This is baccalà that has been soaking for two days. I kept it in the fridge in a sealed container and changed the water four times per day.
This is baccalà that I am poaching in some water (to cover) and some bay leaves. I usually poach it in milk but the friend I was preparing this for is allergic to dairy.
I let it cool and removed the bones, skin and cartilage.
I then drained the solids because I wanted to use some of the liquid in the mixture that I blended in my food processor – the baccalà, with oil and garlic until it looked like mayonnaise.
So what is this?
Baccalà Mantecato and I present it spread on crostini.
I have the recipe in my second cookbook Small Fishy Bites and is popular in Trieste and Venice and neighbouring localities .
For background and full recipe see early post: Baccalà Mantecato
STOCKFISH and SALT COD -The differences between stoccafisso and baccalà and recipes.