I receive quite a number of emails from readers and in September last year I received one from Rita Price who was happy to have found my blog about Sicilian food. A few emails later, Rita told me that she was a member of a newly formed group in Melbourne who wish to promote all things Sicilian.
I am now a member of this group and have asked Rita to write about the Association, which regularly sends to its members an informative newsletter; I am including one of the recipes from the first newsletter (November 2010). Recipe as told by Emma La Rosa from a recipe by Flora Corsello-Marino.
The Sicilian Association of Australia
On 24 October 2010, a group of mainly second-generation Australians with a common vision met in Melbourne to formally establish the Sicilian Association of Australia (TSAA). Their aim was to primarily promote and preserve the culture of Sicily in Australia.
Through its regular Newsletter, functions, courses and events TSAA is focussed on disseminating the unique culture of Sicily – its art, architecture, history, literature, tourism, cuisine, commerce, etc.
Rita Price, Secretary of TSAA
Bring a pot of salted water to the boil. Cook penne until al dente.

Origins of the Trinacria
Homer referred to Sicily as Thrinakie (or Thrinakrie), which means Isle with a triangle’s shape. The name then changed to Trinakria, a reference to the three promontories on the island: Capo Peloro (Messina) in the north-east, Capo Boéo or Lilibéo (Marsala) and Capo Passero (an island 75 kilometres from Siracusa) or Capo Spartivento in the south-east. The name later became Trinacria, which the poet Dante Alighieri used to refer to Sicily in his Divine Comedy. It is also the name of the three-legged figure (and TSAA logo), which is now the symbol of Sicily. Marisa Raniolo Wilkins |