MARMELLATA DI AGRUMI CON MIELE (Citrus jam or marmalade made with honey)

I quite often use jam (good ones, lots of fruit and not too sweet) in desserts and sometimes I use them as a base for sweet sauces to accompany cakes, crepes, fruit salads and puddings. This time I wanted to make a strong tasting citrus jam that I could use to make an ancient Sicilian dessert.

Sicily is the land of citrus.


I love honey and I frequently use it in the place of sugar and when I make jam I also often add some liqueurs or spirit. For example in this recipe I could easily have added a tablespoon of an orange or lemon flavoured liqueur – Cointreau or Grand Marnier.


4 citrus: I used 1 lemon, 1 Seville oranges, 1 tangello, 1 orange, 
2 cups water, 
½ – ¾ cup honey

I removed some of the peel from the tangelo and cut some of it very thinly. Peel /cut off all skin and white pith and discard.
Chop fruit roughly, discard seeds( these make the jam bitter).
Place pulp and water in a saucepan, cover, bring to the boil, reduce heat and simmer 20 minutes. Add honey, and boil it uncovered, without stirring, for about 20 minutes or until set (semisolid).

If adding liqueur add about 2 tablespoons towards the end of cooking or if making a sweet sauce add the liqueur to thin the jam.


CIPOLLATA (Sicilian onion jam)

Most of us are familiar with onion jam. Cipollata is very similar and in Sicily it is regarded as a condiment for fish, especially fried fish, but it goes well with baked fish or meat, and cold fish or meats.

Allow the flavours to develop by storing it at least for a few hours before serving.

red onions, (called cipolla Calabrese in Italian) 1k, sliced thinly
sugar, 3 teaspoons (alter to suit taste)
red wine vinegar, 3 tablespoons,
extra virgin olive oil, ½ cup
water, 1 glass
salt to taste
Place onions in a pan with the water and cook, allow the water to evaporate.
Add the oil and continue to cook, stirring often until the onions are soft.
Add the sugar, salt and the vinegar and cook for 1-2 minutes.
Serve it cold.