RAGU` DI CAPRETTO – Goat/ kid ragout as a dressing for pasta

Sometimes, it is easier to tell a story and describe a recipe by photos.

Goat or kid if you can get it has been available for a while this season (Autumn in Australia). The mint on my balcony is doing well, celeriac is in season, the last of the red tomatoes also and there is a glut of carrots in Victoria at the moment. And all of these ingredients, cooked on low heat and for a long time made a fabulous ragout (ragù in Italian). On this occasion I used the braise as a pasta sauce. Good quality Pecorino cheese is a must.


Goat cut into cubes – you can tell that it is not an old goat by the pale colour of the meat. It is trimmed of fat.


The usual onion , part of the soffritto in most Italian soups and braises.


Add a chopped carrot and instead of celery I used some celeriac and some of the inner leaves of the celeriac.


Remove the soffritto, add a little more extra virgin olive oil and brown the meat.


Add the herbs and spices. Recognise them? Salt and pepper too.


A couple of red tomatoes.


Top with liquid. I added a mixture of chicken stock (always in my freezer) and some Marsala, to keep it in the Sicilian way of things. On another occasion I may add white wine or dry vermouth.


Cover the pan and braise slowly.

It does not look as good as it tasted…the perfume was fabulous too.


Serve with fresh mint leaves and grated Pecorino.


N.B.  Real Pecorino is made from pecora (sheep)..i.e. sheep’s milk. I used a Pecorino Romano. See how white it is in colour?


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